全国服务热线 13715150281


发布:2022-01-12 16:58,更新:2023-01-29 12:02


Application for consulate certification notice application procedures

  (以下仅为一般介绍,请有办证需求的申请人登陆相关驻外使领馆网站查询,或径向领事馆窗口详细咨 询。)

(The following is only a general introduction, please log on the website of the relevant embassy or consulate, or consult the consulate window for details.)


(1) The relevant documents should be notarized by the local notary organization in the host country before being certified by the Chinese diplomatic and consular missions abroad;


(2) the applicant to the host country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the authority to handle the consulate certification of the organization to apply for the host country's consulate certification;

  (三)申请人根据所在领区向中国驻该国大使馆或总领事馆馆(领事馆馆)申办领事馆认证。(2) the applicant to the host country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the authority to handle the consulate certification of the organization to apply for the host country's consulate certification;










  • 地址:深圳 深圳市罗湖区黄贝街道深南东路1086号集浩大厦A座1708
  • 邮编:518000
  • 联系电话:未提供
  • 经理:刘海都
  • 手机:13715150281
  • 传真:13715150281
  • QQ:2609154911
  • Email:2609154911@qq.com